Sunday, November 30, 2014

Postcards From Santa???

Want your little one’s to receive a letter or card from Santa? Just write them a letter from Santa, put it in a stamped envelope addressed to your little one and mail them in a larger envelope to:xmasKAL (6)

North Pole Holiday Cancelation
4141 Postmark Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99530-9998

The larger envelope will be opened, the sealed envelopes inside will be postmarked with a special ‘North Pole’ postmark and mailed back to your little one.

You can send postcards too.

The service is free (except for your stamps…remember to put the correct postage on the large envelope and all the envelopes inside) but be sure to mail your envelopes so that they will arrive in Alaska by Dec., 10. Be sure to use stamps and not pre-stamped envelopes or metered postage.

Happy Holidays

Post Cards from the North Pole: The U.S. Postal Service is offering a free North Pole postmark on holiday mail. To get the postmark, all you have to do is mail your stamped and addressed holiday cards and letters in a larger envelope.
You can write a message from Santa to your child on a post card or in a letter, enclose the post card or sealed letter in a larger envelope and mail it to the post office. They will open the larger envelope, postmark all your letters and post cards and mail them back to your child (children).
click here for more specific information and suggestions

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For the sake of clarity, I am establishing my own personal ‘sarcasm’ font. Now I have no skill set that allows me to create a font, nor do I believe my post or blogs are trendy enough that my designating a font will catch on, but as protection against poor or ambiguous satire on my part, my blogs will utilize the “Gentium Basic” font, bold/italic, as text that should be read as satire. (in red on light backgrounds, or yellow on dark backgrounds)

(note: that this is for future post/articles, there are no current plans to update old post)